Monday, August 29, 2011

¡Adiós America!

Hey all ~ Just getting my first blog post out there. I plan on writing about all the wonderful, exciting and different experiences I get to have this semester. As long as life doesn't get in the way, I will try to update my blog as much as possible!!!

So far, I've spent the last three days trying to strategically pack EVERYTHING I am going to need for the next four months. And yes, it's rather difficult to do. Especially for me because I do not pack lightly. Now that I have successfully finished packing, it's finally starting to sink in that I am leaving for another country tomorrow! 

I'm so excited to learn all about Madrid's culture and meet new people! I think living with my host family (a señora) will be one of the most rewarding experiences while I am there. I will really get to feel what it is like to live in a Spanish family! 

I'm going to miss my family, friends and Clifford :D 

Tomorrow starts the experience of a life time and I'm so excited! 

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