Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I wish I could move my feet that fast...

Week four brought on nothing all that new. It was the last week of my orientation class though so that was exciting! However, that also meant three tests, two papers and a presentation (all in Spanish) to prepare for. I thought I was only here to have fun, I didn't know I would have to study!! Don't worry I'm just kidding! I'm learning a lot and loving it!

While the week was pretty normal, the weekend was exciting! On Friday the 23rd the Marquette group went to see Flamenco dance. It is an amazing form of dance. The dancers are so passionate and intense about it. According to one of my friends (who is a dancer), Flamenco is like tap but on steroids. One of the dancers was male and he honestly didn't stop moving for a good 10 minutes. It was so impressive.Unfortunately, I brought my camera but forgot the battery in its charger so I didn't get any pictures of flamenco. That night also included my first experience with the 6am metro! While it is nice to not have to pay for a taxi home or wait for one of the creepy night buses, it is sort of hard to stay awake until 6am.

We also went to Reina Sofia that weekend. Reina Sofia is one of the larger and more popular museums in Madrid. It holds work by Dali, Picasso and many more. The highlight of this museum was being able to see Picasso's "Guernica" in person. I have seen pictures of it so many times before, but to stand literally 10 feet away from it was amazing. I'm not even that big of an art fanatic and I was speechless looking at it.

Overall, it was a good weekend! The more time I spend in Madrid the more I love it!

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