Monday, September 12, 2011

Classes and Siestas!

 Sorry I haven't updated in while everyone! I have been busy with the first week of classes.

Orientation classes started last week! I'm taking three classes during orientation. They are History and Politics of Spain, History of Art in Spain, and a Grammar review class. The classes are interesting enough. I still find it hard to take notes and pay attention to 4 hours of Spanish lectures. All of the professors really know what they are talking about and they try very hard to make their lectures interesting. Focusing on what they are staying and trying to write down all the important information takes a lot of concentration. Classes start at 9am and end at 1:30pm.

Last week I was still living in the Colegio Mayor. After classes we would walk or take a bus back to the dorm for lunch! That was really all I did during the days last week! Classes, homework and siestas :D

Monday night we went on a bus tour all around Madrid! It was really interesting to see all the things that we hadn't seen already! However, being exhausted from classes and homework I fell asleep during some of the tour.

On Thursday after classes, me and a few other members of the Marquette group went down to Plaza Mayor because there were local artists painting and selling their art there. No, I didn't buy anything, but all of the painting were so gorgeous! We walked around for quite some times, looking at different small stores. Most of them are touristy stores but there were still a lot of interesting things. That night, we decided to embrace the fact that we didn't have class the next day and went out at night. While most Spaniards stay out until 6am because of the metros, I couldn't make it that long! I was able to stay out until 4:30am before I was completely tired. I'm building up my tolerance for the night life here in Madrid!

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